Wellness Tips for the New Year
First off, Cheers to a New Year! The beginning of January represents a time to start anew. Many create New Year’s Resolutions to make profound shifts for the better. For me, it is a time to “check-in.” What has been working, and what has not? I have found that reflecting on habits, health, and lifestyle has prompted more subtle yet lasting transformations.
Here are a few small but powerful changes that improve overall health & wellness:
Cultivate Gratitude.
At the end of the day, before my eyes shut, I take stock in the day and recall what I am thankful for. Research has shown that cultivating a practice of gratitude is associated with greater happiness.
Technology Shut Down.
Thanks to technology, I can set my phone to automatically go into 'sleep mode' an hour before bedtime. The small prompt has shifted my awareness for the better. As a family, we are winding down, turning off TVs and phones, and lowering the lights about an hour before our actual bedtime. I have already received much better and deeper sleep as a result.
Home-cooked meals
As a busy family, the last few months have been crazy. We did not have time to eat the yummy, home-cooked meals we were accustomed to. As a result, we relied on not-so-great fast and easy meals. This means, not as many fresh, whole foods.
A clean diet is paramount to all body systems functioning at optimal levels. A simple change is replacing canned or frozen vegetables with fresh ones. Make a home-cooked meal with fresh vegetables and protein with enough for leftovers the next day. Reduce processed foods whenever possible. Research concludes the negative impacts of processed and refined foods on the body.
Pause and reflect on what is working for your health and wellness, and what is negatively impacting you. You may be surprised by how simple changes can have a profound impact on your wellbeing.
Have a happy and healthy New Year!
And, as always Sarasota, I am here for you, either through Acupuncture treatments, nutrition and lifestyle counseling or Herbal consultations and prescriptions.