Relief with Ear Acupuncture
You may have received some tiny little magnet stickers applied to your ear at the end of your acupuncture treatment. Or, you may have had your ear needled during an acupuncture treatment. So, what is all of this about? Why is the ear so special and why are people walking around with little stickers on their ear post-acupuncture treatment?
The ear is actually a microsystem of the entire body! Meaning, you can place a point on the ear to treat just about any part of the body, organ, or symptom. The oldest record of ear acupuncture (also called auriculotherapy) dates back to over 2500 years ago. Then, in the 1950’s, a French neurologist, Paul Nogier developed a system to reflect the functions of the brain as it relates to points on the ear. Dr Nogier is considered the “Father of Auriculotherapy” and his theories and techniques are accepted by Chinese Medicine Practitioners.
From a Western Medicine perspective, the nerves that innervate the ear are connected to all the organs and parts of our body. When pressure is applied to these ear innervations, neurotransmitters are stimulated to alleviate pain and circulate more oxygen and blood to parts of the body.
Today, ear acupuncture is used as a stand alone treatment for addiction as well as to aid the military on the battlefield.
Ear acupuncture can be treated with acupuncture needles or with ear seeds. Each can be a stand alone treatment, or to enhance and extend your full body acupuncture treatment.
Ear acupuncture can manage the symptoms of any condition, and is particularly great for pain, anxiety, depression, addictions, headaches, insomnia, PTSD, stress, digestive conditions, skin issues, and weight management.
Ear Seeds
In my clinic, I will often use ear seeds to extend a treatment, especially if a patient is going out of town and cannot make an appointment. I also use ear seeds on my pediatric patients, who absolutely LOVE them.
I now offer an Ear Seed Mini-treatment for patients who do not have time for a full treatment, or have other restrictions limiting them from a full acupuncture treatment. You can reserve a 15 minute mini-ear seed treatment here to receive the wonderful benefits and simple, yet, effective approach to health and wellness.
Cheers to your health Sarasota!
Dr. Jen